A Deep Hunger for Relationship

Shelley Pearson • Mar 30, 2022

God put in each of us a longing for deep connection. He created us for relationship. With Him. And with others.

At a time when we are more “connected” through our devices than ever before, people are struggling to find deeper bonds, either because they don’t know how or lack the courage to reach out to others. But two high school girls learned how just a little boldness can go a long way.

Mallory and Malu had known each other since middle school, but it wasn’t until Mallory sent one simple text, that things drastically changed. Malu says, “It was out of nowhere she texted me to see how I was doing. She invited me on a walk. I thought about it and went. I told her everything that happened throughout the summer and how I couldn’t get past it” (Malu had lost her cousin and was struggling with that and other hard things). Mallory had no idea. She just sent a text, and God moved.

Mallory says, “She texted me after the walk and said, ‘You have no idea how much I needed to talk to someone.’ She explained how she was feeling pretty alone and hadn’t been talking to other people.” Malu was a Christian but hadn’t been serious about her faith up to that point. The time she spent with Mallory was a catalyst to change that. Mallory invited Malu to church and youth group and Malu continued attending FCA and Bibles and Breakfast. Today, Malu is on fire for the Lord.

One text. One invitation. One walk. One simple act that has changed both girls.

FCA Prepared Her

Mallory first got involved with FCA as a sophomore, but she will say her faith at that time was a little “iffy.” She wasn’t committed, and she put a lot of things in front of her relationship with God. But then Maddie, an FCA leader, tapped her shoulder for leadership because she saw potential in her. Mallory thought, “No way,” but Maddie told her, “Mallory, God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called.” Maddie applied and joined the leadership team that summer. She says, “I never grew so much in my faith. It just clicked.”

Mallory went on to lead a small group of girls from Anoka High School, and she is amazed at how God has been working through this group of eight girls. She says, “Two girls got involved more in their churches. A few of the seniors went to college the next year and started their own Bible studies at their colleges. It’s so amazing.” The experience of leading that first small group huddle drives her to keep reaching out to others, like Malu, and inviting them to join her.

After the walk with Malu, she invited her to join this year’s small group, and it has blessed them both tremendously. Mallory says, “Malu is so focused on the Lord and what He wants her to do. I love having her as a friend. I may be an FCA leader for the small group, but she sure leads me too.” Because of scheduling conflicts, it is sometimes difficult to schedule small group time, but Malu and Mallory meet even when the larger group can’t come together. 

Iron Sharpening Iron

Their connection started as an invitation from Mallory, but today it goes both ways. Malu says, “There was a time where I was feeling so alone mentally. I wanted to talk about it and asked Mallory if we could meet up and talk. I told her everything and then she told me things going on with her.” Mallory suggested they do a Bible app study on Psalm 23 together to help them address the things they talked about. Each day they read a portion of the Psalm along with the accompanying devotional and shared with the other what it meant to them. They even worked to memorize the verses. Malu says, “Mallory doesn’t know this, but I say those verses every single day when I’m feeling stressed or dealing with things I can’t handle.”

The transformation Mallory has seen in Malu is amazing. She says, “She spreads light through the way she acts. Her smile, the way she talks to people – it’s so genuine. I know she’s going to spread the light wherever she goes. Malu has taught me so much about friendship and being intentional and purposeful with it, and it takes two to do that. I reach out sometimes, she reaches out sometimes. She and I will always keep in touch no matter what.” 

God has filled both Mallory and Malu with that deep connection that He created us to have – both with Him and with each other. Malu says, “Now I know that I’m not alone. I know there are people out there who genuinely care. It wasn’t forced but was so genuine and pure. Our bond is special to me. I’ve never really had that relationship with anyone. I got to know knowher and she got to know know me. Now I can reach out when something comes up. I’m not alone in this world.”

Wow. Isn’t that something every Christ-follower craves? And these two high school girls have found it, and they will never settle for living in isolation or surface-level friendships again. Mallory poured into Malu. Malu poured back into Mallory and today pours into the lives of others. And it all started with one simple text. What small act might God be calling you to today?

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