Bringing Hope in Discouraging Times – Virtually

Shelley Pearson • Dec 08, 2020
As the pandemic drags on, it has become more difficult to press into the challenges. When winter sports were delayed last month, many coaches and athletes were frustrated, angry, and discouraged. The very thing – playing and coaching sports – that keeps them mentally and physically healthy was being taken away – again.

Thankfully, God had been preparing the hearts of several staff members of Minnesota FCA to bring something positive to a discouraged group. All Minnesota staff was encouraged to check in with coaches and athletes with encouraging messages, but there was also a concerted effort to bring about two recurring events that could reach a wide number of coaches and athletes with a message of hope.

Coaches Christmas Connect

Bill Adamson, FCA Rep for NE Minnesota, was one of the leads on the first event. Bill said, “I think Randy Jensen [South Metro Area Director] had the initial idea and then we spent some time talking and planning on the phone.  We both have a heart for coaches and wanted to do something to encourage and minister to them.  Coaches are really struggling with the loss of seasons and not getting to do what they are called to do. We sensed that there was a lot of stress with our coaches.”

Randy Jensen, South Metro Area Director said they wanted to do something, “to INVEST and ENGAGE coaches – to help them connect with one another and give some coaches an opportunity to let their lights shine for Jesus as an example to other coaches, and to challenge coaches to prepare their own hearts for Christmas!”

As FCA staff discussed what they could do, it became clear that the season of Advent – the time when we anticipate the birth of our Savior – was a perfect time to bring the hope of Christ to coaches all over the state. Coaches will meet over Zoom three Friday mornings in December to hear a 15-20 minute message about the four tenets of Advent: Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. After the message, coaches will go into breakout rooms for small group discussion.

The first Coaches Christmas Connect was held Friday, December 4, with 30 coaches in attendance. Becker High School’s football coach for over 50 years, Dwight Lundeen, shared a message of hope with his fellow coaches. Coach Lundeen, the third winningest football coach in Minnesota, shared examples of some of the challenges he faced this fall:

  • Two of his best players were put on quarantine right before a big game.
  • The day before they were to play another game, the opposing team’s school was shut down and all activities canceled.
  • The Becker Bulldogs were the #1 seed in the conference and were set to play in the championship in just a few days, but all winter sports were put on pause and they were forced to end their season early.

Despite the challenges, Coach Lundeen has hope. “This is what I know today: I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but I trust the Lord. The hope we have in Christ can get us through these situations.” He further stated, “The hope we have in Christ Jesus is a lock-down guarantee we have, and the other hopes, like whether we will play the game, is just a wish.”

Lundeen ended with the following statement before coaches went to their breakout rooms: “I don’t have all the answer to life’s questions, but after loving God and serving Christ for more than 50 years in Becker, what I can say is that I’ve walked with Jesus for enough yesterdays to trust him with all my tomorrows.” He implored other coaches to do the same.

There was rich discussion in the breakout rooms, and positive feedback after the event. Bill said, “The three coaches in my breakout room didn’t want it to end and were very grateful that we are doing this.  A coach from up north emailed as soon as we finished and said, ‘That was a great way to start my day -- thank you for the invitation!’”  

Christmas Coaches Connect Sign-Up

Give us your name and email to receive a personal invite to Coaches Christmas Connect!

Huddle Up! Minnesota

The second event was a spinoff of something FCA National did at the start of the pandemic. Each week they brought in famous athletes and coaches to virtually share messages of hope and encouragement with their audiences. 

The first Huddle Up! Minnesota took place on Wednesday, December 2, and started with a video montage of Bobby Robins, former NHL player for the Boston Bruins. It depicted Bobby as a determined player who wasn’t afraid to fight with any player on the ice. Click Here to view the recording.

Bobby started out by sharing tips on how to become a great player. Early on in his college playing days when he had been kept from playing the first several games, he determined to never complain and to give it everything he had every time he was on the ice. That determination helped him grow tremendously over the next four years and brought incredible success by his senior year before his nine-year career with the Ottawa Senators.

In 2014, Robins signed with the Boston Bruins as the oldest rookie (at 32) to ever make an NHL Opening Day roster. He had finally achieved his goals of getting to the NHL. However, after 500 games in the minor leagues with his hopes always set on the NHL and only three games in the NHL, he had a career-ending concussion. After that concussion, he suffered from depression and a lost identity. He was spiritually bankrupt.

As he walked through that dark time, he picked up a Bible in a hotel room. At first, he told himself he didn’t believe a word of it, but as he read the gospels, he went through a progression of thoughts: “I don’t believe it . . . Could it be true? . . . This might be true . . . If this is true, it changes everything.” Bobby says that God removed the blinders from his eyes, and he finally understood that it was all true and gave his life to the Lord.

As a testimony of God’s grace, today, Bobby Robins serves as Director of Pro and College Ministry for FCA Hockey in Alexandria, Minnesota. God has completely transformed his life and given him a new identity. Now he brings the hope of Christ to young athletes.

These Huddle Up! Minnesota events will continue on Wednesday afternoons at 3pm on FCA's Facebook page and  YouTube channel.

Hope Restored

In a time where things feel hopeless, we thank God for people who press into the hard times to bring hope. God has stirred the hearts of many Minnesota FCA staff members, and they are ready to bring encouragement to coaches and athletes all around the state and beyond. Please pray that coaches and athletes would attend these virtual events and be encouraged by the hope that comes only through Jesus Christ.

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