Camp Highlight - Robin Knudson

Shelley Pearson • Apr 28, 2020
Minnesota FCA believes in the power of camp to change lives and is intentional about getting kids excited for camp. Robin Knudson, FCA Area Associate for Southwest Minnesota - Marshall Area, shared her love for camp at a recent staff meeting, and her enthusiasm radiated from her face and through every word she spoke. It is clear that Robin believes in the ability of FCA camps to draw kids into lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. She knows because that is what it did for her.

Robin attended Sports Camp the summers before her Sophomore and Junior years in high school. She played volleyball there and loved the experiences, the kids in her huddle, and her roommates. She then attended Leadership Camp the summer before her Senior year in high school. At that time, there was no Leadership Camp in Minnesota, so she and other leaders from her high school went to Leadership Camp in Georgia. For Robin, that experience sticks out over all the other camps she has attended. Before camp that year, Robin says she was lukewarm in her faith . . . 

"But God Turned my World Upside-Down” 

God grabbed her heart at camp, and Robin has never turned back. She and another camper, Rachel-Ruth, became best friends over the five days at camp. Robin saw in Rachel-Ruth a girl her age walking out her faith in a way Robin desired. After that summer at camp, they wrote letters and encouraged each other back and forth. At FCA camp, Rachel-Ruth said, “Let’s go to Baylor!” At first, Robin had no idea that it was even a college, but together they attended Baylor University in Texas. Leadership Camp changed the trajectory of Robin’s life as she learned to pursue God’s leading in everything.

Since attending FCA camps in high school, Robin has attended so many sports camps and leadership camps that she cannot count them all, including the first and most of the subsequent FCA Leadership Camps in Minnesota. She took a short break from camp when her kids were babies but returned as soon as she could. Her first year back at Sports Camp in Iowa in 2009, a college-aged huddle leader got sick and she was asked to fill in. Remembering this she laughed and said, “I was the oldest huddle leader ever.”  

After attending and leading at dozens of camps, Robin still believes that camp is an amazing experience for young people. Hearts are fertile, moldable, and teachable at camp, and campers love to keep coming back to camp. Her own girls have been campers many times, and she is excited that her oldest daughter will have the opportunity to apply to be a huddle leader next year. As much as Robin loves camp, she does not want you to take it only from her. Rachel and Jordan are two Marshall students who have their own camp stories to share.

“Sports Camp has Honestly Changed My Life”

Jordan has attended sports camp as a baseball player for the past six years. Like many young people, Jordan was nervous to go at first. He did not know what it would be like or whether he would fit in or make friends, but he quickly learned he had nothing to worry about. He loves being around people who share his faith and are willing to grow deeper in relationships throughout the week of camp as they share their stories and lives with each other.

One of Jordan’s most meaningful camp experiences was the time he first shared the story of how he came to know Christ with his huddle. It had a deep impact on his huddle members and leader and drew everyone closer to each other and to God. This gave Jordan the confidence to share his story at other FCA events like Fields of Faith, a coaches banquet, and at his school huddle meetings. Camp gave him the confidence he needed to step into leadership as well. He and a friend started a Bible study last year with middle school students that has grown to an average of sixteen kids this year. 

To those thinking about attending Sports Camp Jordan says, “It has honestly changed my life and helped me make my faith my own. The atmosphere is really special. The worship is powerful. The food’s good. Relationships will be formed there in four days.” 

Leadership Camp Taught Me that Christianity is not an Individual Sport but a Team Sport

Marshall FCA students alternate between Leadership Camp in Minnesota and the same Leadership Camp in Georgia that Robin attended as a student. Last year, Rachel went on the 27-hour car ride to camp with Robin and other student leaders from the Marshall area. Like Jordan, Rachel was apprehensive about going to camp, but she quickly fell in love with Leadership Camp. It was the first time she had really been drawn into worship, and the speaker was amazing and challenging. Her favorite part of camp was hanging out with her group. It was so nice to be in what she called a “Jesus Bubble.” Knowing that everyone believes the same about Jesus helped everyone feel safe and connect on a deeper level.

Rachel was also challenged in her walk with God while at camp. She learned that, “Christianity is not an individual sport but a team sport. The devil is like a lion looking for that single gazelle to devour, and we need to stay together.” The speaker also challenged the campers in their discomfort to step up and do things for the Lord. The speaker asked them, “Do you think Jesus was comfortable on that cross? No. God calls us to do the uncomfortable.” This sticks with her as she goes about her daily life. Jesus did not live a comfortable life, and He often calls Christians to be uncomfortable too. 

Rachel loved her time at Leadership Camp and encourages others to attend even if they are nervous. Camp is set up to help people get connected, grow closer to Jesus, and learn to lead well. She is so glad she was encouraged to attend and is so thankful for her experience at camp. Rachel, along with Robin and Jordan, enthusiastically support camp as a lifechanging experience that everyone should try.

Paving the Way to Camp

Robin was so thankful for her parent’s support during her high school and college years as camp became a priority to her. They never discouraged her from going, even though she could have worked and made more money during the weeks of camp. Her parents allowed her to walk where Jesus was leading her, and now Robin is encouraging her kids to follow Jesus and then trusting that God is going before them. Jordan’s and Rachel’s parents have done the same, and it has made an eternal impact on their lives. Parents, consider supporting your students on a similar path.

Sports Camp 2021 – While Sports Camp has been canceled for 2020, the dates are out for next year. Mark your calendars for June 28-July 1, and plan on attending what promises to be an awesome camp!

Leadership Camp - Minnesota Leadership Camp will be held mid-summer 2020 in various areas throughout the state for current or upcoming student leaders in grades 10-12. More details will be available by May 31, 2020.  Visit for the latest updates!

Discounts and financial assistance may be available. Please contact your local staff person or Minnesota FCA with any questions you may have regarding this.

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