Coon Rapids v. Legacy Christian Academy - An Unexpected Outcome

Shelley Pearson • Jul 14, 2020

The day started out like any other volleyball tournament. Teams from across the state were matched for competition. The excitement and energy in the room was contagious. Concession stands were well-stocked. Parents and fans were dressed to support their favorite teams. The athletes had practiced and prepared, and they were ready to take on the day.

Coon Rapids High School was matched with Legacy Christian High School in the middle of the tournament at Apple Valley High School. The two schools are just minutes away from each other, but there had been little interaction between the two teams before that day. During the second set of the game, Tezra, the setter for Legacy, jumped up for a set, came down on her teammate’s foot, and fell to the floor with an injured ankle. Both teams knew she was in extreme pain and took to their benches while medical personnel tended to her.

After she had been lying on the court for twenty minutes in severe pain, the medics wanted to take her to the hospital for an x-ray, but Tezra wanted to stay to support her team that had already started the tournament short on players and was now down to only six players against the standard ten. The medics found her a wheelchair, and the game continued. Coon Rapids won, but Legacy proved to be fierce competition.

Once that game ended and both teams had shaken hands, Coon Rapids had a brief team meeting. Grace, then a senior at Coon Rapids High School, did not join her team right away. “I didn’t go to the team meeting at first because I wanted to pray for her. I wanted her to know that everyone was praying for quick healing. I just took her hands and started praying. It was just a me and her moment. I wanted her to know that God was looking out for her.” After she prayed for Tezra, she slipped quietly back to her team meeting.

Tezra, who attends a Christian high school, remembers the moment when Grace asked to pray for her: “I was moved that a girl from a public school would do that. It was very powerful and impactful in my life.” While Tezra was so disappointed to miss the next match, she was already encouraged by the actions of the other team. They had all made sure to seek her out and shake hands with her after that game, and then Grace came over to pray for her. 

Grace knew God was leading her to pray for Tezra. Over her years in FCA, she had grown in boldness in her faith, and she had learned to listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. She could not shake the feeling that she needed to pray for Tezra, though it felt awkward just walking up to her. That small act sticks with Tezra to this day and has encouraged Grace to continue being obedient in the little things because she has learned the impact it can have on others.

As the tournament continued that day, Legacy was next matched with Apple Valley. As the host team, many fans were there to cheer for the Apple Valley team. Nicole, then a junior volleyball player at Coon Rapids, felt God leading her to cheer on the Legacy team and encouraged the rest of her team to join her. “It was super hard for them now. They were all playing different positions and only had six players.” When the team from Coon Rapids took to the stands to cheer, the crowd and Legacy team were confused as to why an opposing team would cheer for the competition. Once they realized what was happening, people were moved by the genuine act of kindness, and it added to the excitement of the tournament. 

The day was one that none of the girls would ever forget. Grace and Nicole saw how being obedient to small nudges from the Lord and intentional about reflecting Christ’s love - even in the midst of competition - could impact others. And for the girls from Legacy, even though they lost that game, they competed hard with the help of their new fans and were greatly impacted by students from another school who showed them Christ’s love during a trying time. Tezra reflected on that day: “It was such an amazing act that made us even more determined to finish the rest of the games that day. It was a very inspirational day, and I will never forget the kindness of others even though we weren't even on the same team.”

Because she knew the team had been praying for her quick healing, Tezra added, “It was a miracle my ankle healed so fast, and I'm so grateful I only missed one game after the tournament that day and was back on the court.” Tezra is grateful for the prayers of the Coon Rapids volleyball team and the unlikely events that happened that day. She and her entire team received encouragement from their opponents. 

Grace and Nicole have learned valuable lessons through their time in FCA. It is this ministry in their public school that has equipped them to engage with others on a spiritual level. It is this ministry that has taught them the heart of Jesus for others. And it is this ministry that has taught them to model for their entire team Christ’s love to the world. They have grown deeper in God’s love and the boldness to show that love to others, even those on an opposing team.

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