A Face on FCA's Mt. Rushmore

Shelley Pearson • Dec 28, 2021

“If someone were to ask me to create a Mt. Rushmore for The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, of influential coaches in Minnesota who have touched the lives of coaches and athletes and countless others through their life and faith, in my humble opinion, Don Roberts would most definitely be on that mountain of influence.”

Randy Jensen, FCA South Metro Area Director, at the funeral of Don Roberts

After graduating from Lake Crystal High School, Don Roberts had plans to become a dentist, but an eye injury forced him to change course. He became a teacher and coach, and it wasn’t long before it was clear that he was right where God had called him to be. His daughter Dawn says, “God knew the thousands of lives that would be touched by his kind and positive spirit.”

Coach Roberts amassed several awards over the last four decades:

  • Outstanding athlete in Minnesota – 1958
  • Honored alumnus at Lake Crystal High School – 1960
  • Teacher of the Year – Simley High School – 1973
  • Region 1 AA Coach of the Year - 1983
  • FCA Hall of Faith - 2000
  • Simley High School Hall of Fame - 2009
  • MN Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame - 2021
  • Other awards from various service organizations

Influence and Impact

Each of these speak to his caliber, but nothing compares to the influence he had on coaches and athletes at Simley High School and beyond. Randy remembers Coach Roberts most as a mentor, an encourager, motivator, and always with a smile. He also remembers the depth of impact Coach Roberts and his wife, Ardi, had on the FCA huddle that met at their home. Coach started the huddle in the 1970s, and Randy remembers one time he was invited to the huddle as a young staff person:


“I was directed to go downstairs, and as I made my way downstairs, there were students actually sitting in the stairwell which I thought was a bit unusual. I got to the bottom of the stairs and turned to my right and what I saw was a room jam-packed full of students, literally wall to wall. I could not see the floor or any furniture,” Randy said. 

He went on to reflect, “So, why’d they come? Most likely because they wanted a place to belong, someone to believe in them and affirm their inherent value and potential, to seek a belief system and a spirituality, to help them find meaning and purpose in life. Don Roberts through his involvement in leadership with FCA answered each of these questions and met these needs in these kid’s lives.”

Students at Simley High always knew Coach was there for them. He developed a system where any student could give him a thumbs up in the hallway. This told Coach that the student was struggling with something – an upcoming test, relationship issues, etc. – and wanted Coach to pray. Coach would right then “shoot an arrow prayer to the God of Heaven on their behalf.” Coach Roberts encompassed these words from 1 Thessalonians 2:8 which says, “So we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”

Life Saving

The daily impact he made on his athletes is immeasurable. Several years ago, when Coach spent time in rehab after a stroke, a nurse named Jill Stluka knew she’d met him but couldn’t place where. As she thought about it, she remembered. Coach Roberts had made a tremendous impact on her in a time when she desperately needed hope and encouragement. Led by Coach, she attended an FCA Camp in Colorado and reflected, "In a way, it saved my life, not only spiritually but perhaps physically."

Foundation Building

The investment he made into the lives of huddle members like Jan Parry Rowenhorst built a foundation of faith that continues today. Jan says, “He was an awesome Christian teacher, coach and family man. Coach showed us how easy it was to pray out loud, to ask and tell God anything, and how to praise and thank the Lord for all the blessings that He gives us. Finally, we learned that we all sin and make mistakes, but Christ will forgive us for our transgressions. All we have to do is ask.”  That was over 40 years ago, but that foundation grew her faith as a young girl so that today she is faithfully serving her Lord. Coach Roberts did this for many students over his years as a huddle coach.

Life Modeling

Rich Zellmer was on the basketball team in high school but first met Coach Roberts at a basketball clinic in third grade and maintained a relationship with Coach over 55 years. Rich and his teammates described Coach as patient, kind, always ready to teach, thoughtful, intense, and loyal. He had a special place in his heart for youth from broken homes and helped them believe in themselves. Zellmer said, “Coach was the strongest Christian I’d ever met in my life.” As Rich reflected on the impact Coach Roberts made on him and the rest of the team, he thought about this quote by Billy Graham: “A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime.” 

If a coach impacts that many in just one season, the difference Coach Roberts made over a lifetime is simply unimaginable. It isn’t the awards he’s won that places him on Randy Jensen’s Mt. Rushmore of FCA. It is Jill and Jan and Rick and every one of those lives he touched over decades of intentionally pouring into the lives of students at athletes.

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