A Thread in FCA - Karina's Story

Shelley Pearson • Oct 20, 2021

Consider for a moment how the God of the universe has been orchestrating trillions of events since the beginning of the world. He has continuously put the right people in the right place at the right time to carry out His plan. It’s mind-blowing, isn’t it?

We cannot begin to imagine the immense tapestry God has woven since the creation of the world, but sometimes He gives us small glimpses into the line woven from a single life and how, at times, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes is privileged to play a miniscule part in someone’s story. 

Karina Winkelman first learned about FCA in high school when she was tapped to start a huddle at her school. Through that huddle, she grew in her leadership skills and in discipleship. FCA even played a role in determining what Karina would study in college. As she was struggling with her decision, she was given a book that helped bring that decision to greater clarity. It encouraged her to “Do what makes you glad.” As she thought about what she really loved, she realized she loved leading FCA and specifically, she enjoyed putting together the lessons each week. Karina decided on a major in Communications.

After college where she received degrees in Communications and Business Management, she moved to Kansas City, Missouri, to participate in a nine-month faith and work leadership development program, which led her to full-time work in a financial services firm. After three years in that position, God reminded her of another love that came out of her time in FCA. Not only did she develop a love for communication during her time leading the huddle, but she also developed a love for what she wanted to communicate. 

God was calling Karina into full-time ministry so she could communicate the Gospel every day and invest in the lives of those who don’t know Him yet and those who are in a growing relationship with Jesus. 

Once she recognized His call, she enrolled in seminary in Dallas where she lived for the past two years. God recently called her back to Minnesota where she will complete her classes online and do an internship. As she began looking for an internship, she happened across a job posting for FCA’s college ministry. Karina says, “I didn’t even realize FCA had a college ministry,” yet as a former college athlete herself, God is calling her back to a place where her love of communicating the Gospel first took hold of her heart.

Karina will serve ten hours per week at Concordia University in St. Paul. She will lead a discipleship group and co-lead a core group of student leaders. She says, “I am excited to meet the student athletes, develop relationships, and be in a space where faith questions can be brought up and where people feel encouraged to share their challenges, and celebrations in their faith.”

As she moves through the internship, Karina will be seeking God for next steps. She says, “This will be a time of discernment this next year to see if FCA is where the Lord is calling me or if there is something else.” She wants to know how God wants to use her in the tapestry he’s been weaving over thousands of years. 

One of Karina’s favorite scripture passages is Jeremiah 9:23-24 which says, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,’ declares the Lord.” 

God has given Karina a deep loving for communicating the Gospel clearly. Whatever vehicle God uses to proclaim that to others, Karina is willing to obey. We hope it’s FCA, but we recognize that God calls and equips each one to serve Him in a unique way. 

Please pray for Karina to sense God’s calling on her life, and please pray for Minnesota FCA, that we would have the right staff, coaches, and athletes who are called to communicate the Gospel through the avenue of sports and that the tapestry woven through FCA perfectly fits into God’s overall plan for His people.

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