Following His Father's Legacy

Shelley Pearson • Dec 17, 2020

It is left to those who come after and lives long after a person does. It has the potential to make a significant impact to those it is left to.

Don Severson left a legacy to both the ministry of The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and more importantly, to a son who watched him grow and serve through FCA.

Don first got involved in FCA when he attended a weekly breakfast at the Minneapolis Athletic Club with other businessmen. Occasionally, he brought his son, Dale along. “I would listen to these businessmen literally going through the Bible together. Watching my father and business professionals get together in this way made an impact on me.” 

A Constant Commitment
Don participated in different aspects of FCA throughout the years. He gave financially, served on the board, and made the annual golf fundraiser a top priority. Dale said, “He had it marked on his calendar every year – the third Monday of every June for the FCA golf outing. It was always there.” Dale remembers when his dad chaired the event when Dale was very young. “Dad would bring my sisters, my mom, and me. We would go out and work different holes for him.” 

Dale was exposed to people who were serious about their faith, and it influenced him in great ways. “We certainly had a lead-by-example with my father, but we had such a great experience as kids going to ‘work’ the golf outing. It was more than a day to play outside for us. That event further helped me sort through the questions of what FCA is.” Dale could see that FCA was serious about the Bible and seeing people walk in close relationship with God.

 2003 Minnesota FCA Golf Classic

Left to Right

  •  Doug Anderson - Mayor of Lakeville
  •  Don Severson (father)
  •  Dr. Richard Hedenstrom
  •  Dale Severson
  •  David Severson (my older brother)

Bringing Others Along

Don didn’t keep his faith or his love of FCA to himself. Dale watched his dad continually bring others alongside him. “As a kid growing up in our family, I saw that illustrated and exemplified in a business climate, not only in sponsoring the banquet but to see business professionals take time out to honor God.” Don was always inviting groups to join him at the golf outing, and he was particularly influential in a fellow businessman’s life. “My father and his business partner, Gary Schaeffer, were faithful in their work and together in their support of FCA,” Dale said. Don was always looking for ways to encourage others in their walks with God, and that was often through participation in FCA events.

Forty Years of Giving

Don was inducted into the Minnesota FCA Hall of Fame in the 90s. “He was recognized for his contribution to the support and leadership role with Minnesota FCA. He served on the Minnesota board, chaired the golf outing for several years, was a strong financial supporter, and a supporter of summer camps in Northfield at St. Olaf,” Dale remembers. In all, Don served as a sponsor of the golf event for four decades. No one will ever know the total impact of his generosity to The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, but it is eternally significant.

Don passed away earlier this spring, but he left a legacy of a solid faith and strong commitment to serving others. In recent years, Dale joined his dad at the golf outing, becoming a sponsor himself four years ago. And just like his dad, Dale won’t stop at the golf outing . . . 

The Legacy Continues

At this year’s golf event, Dale met up with Randy Jensen, Area Director for the South Metro. Randy has been a great family friend to the Seversons over the years. He has been trying to set up his own board in the South Metro and asked Dale to consider helping him. Dale said, “Randy needs support behind the scenes so he can go out and get done what he’s called to do. If someone can take something off his plate so that he can focus on what he does well . . . if I can help in that way, I certainly want to try.” 

Dale has experienced firsthand how God can use the ministry of FCA to draw others to Himself. He was involved in FCA at Mounds View High School at the same time his dad was involved at the Minneapolis Athletic Club. Coach Stewart invited Dale and his teammates to meet at his home. They would study the Bible together. That time in Coach Stewart’s basement solidified Dale’s faith. “FCA was serious about the Bible. You opened the Bible and studied it.” Whether it was attending FCA with his father or his own huddle, the Bible was always the focal point. Dale wants young people today to experience that too.

“FCA is a great influence in kids’ lives through coaches and athletes and a great influence for Jesus Christ for a lifetime. I’d love to see other kids be influenced by it as well,” said Dale. “My heart goes out to kids these days because of all of the less-than-Christian morals that are being presented to them on a daily basis. I would like to give them an option of a better life where they can look at things from a different place.” Dale wants to be a part of making that happen.

Dale said, “If I can somehow influence students, I want to do that. I’d love to be a positive influence for kids. It’s always been a passion of mine.” A passion that was passed on from his father and has now become his own because of how he has seen God draw others to Himself through the ministry.

What’s Your Legacy?

Minnesota FCA is immensely grateful for Don Severson and his contributions to the ministry over 40 years. And we are grateful for his son, Dale – for how he has already made an eternal impact and for how he continues to serve the ministry of FCA.

The mission of FCA is “To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” Will you join us in seeing this mission fulfilled in Minnesota? There are many ways to get involved, whether it is sponsoring the golf event, supporting a local huddle, or giving financially. The options are endless.

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