God at Work Behind the Scenes - Washburn Huddle

Shelley Pearson • Dec 29, 2020
God is a master planner. 

He is always at work in hearts and lives, and He is always working things out for His glory and our good. We know this, but we are still sometimes surprised by just how He accomplishes that work.

Meet Tori – a high school senior who loves music, theater, and softball – especially softball. Last year, she attended a pro softball clinic at Bethel University, completely unaware that God had more planned for her than just an amazing opportunity to hone her skills as a softball player.

Setting the Stage

While Tori was playing softball at the clinic, her dad visited a booth for The Fellowship of Christian Athletes run by FCA Softball staffer, Allison Carpenter. When Tori finished for the day, her dad pulled her over to talk to Allison. Tori then met Allison for coffee. Allison remembers that conversation: “I met with her at a Caribou a few weeks later and I remember how excited she was to reach her classmates.” 

As the conversation at Caribou continued, Tori realized she wanted to start an FCA huddle on her campus (Washburn High School in Minneapolis). Allison connected Tori with Donna Baklund, the FCA Southwest Metro Area Rep. Donna remembers her initial conversation with Tori: “Once she learned that there was an organization that teamed sports and Jesus AND they could meet in her school, she was so excited.” 

Tori said, “I really want to see Christianity be more active in my school. It’s been completely hidden. Throughout middle school and until now I felt so alone. It felt really dark. I knew there were probably other people, but I didn’t know how to find them. I hope with this the existing Christians can find each other but that we can then spread that to our classmates who don’t know God.” 

A New Huddle

God had been preparing her, and she was all-in to take the lead on an FCA huddle on her campus. Donna helped her get a huddle going – in the middle of a pandemic. Tori recruited a couple guys to help her lead. They started informally in the Spring, meeting at area parks, with just a few people Tori knew were Christians, but it has grown from there.

In order to be an official huddle that could meet at her school, Tori had to find a staff advisor. She could not think of a single person, so she started asking around. Everyone she talked to gave her the same name: Mr. Byrd. So she went to talk to him.

Not surprisingly, God had already been working on Mr. Byrd’s heart as well. “I have felt prompted to do more with my faith inside of Washburn.  When Tori approached me to be a part of the Washburn huddle, I knew it was Spirit-led.  I had asked and prayed and then received an answer.” Of course, he said, “Yes!”

God continually blesses Tori for her obedience in stepping up to lead. “It’s been amazing to see who has come. I’ve only ever known four or five Christians in my school, so I thought it would just be us and maybe a couple more. The ones who have shown up have surprised me – popular kids, not popular kids, different social groups.” 

Stirring Hearts

One of Tori’s favorite stories has to do with what God is doing in the life of one of her friends. She texted Tori and asked if she could come to the huddle. Tori told her everyone was welcome to come. Her friend didn’t know much about God but was really interested. She took everything in during the small group time. At one point, she was struggling with locating a passage, so Tori knelt down to help her.  “It was really inspiring for me to see that there are kids out there that have a hunger for Jesus, and FCA can have a role to help fill that,” Tori said.

Leading the huddle has been a tremendous learning experience for Tori. She said, “If I really submit myself to Him and empty myself, He can bring me to do things that are so much bigger than anything I could have ever imagined. I’ve never considered myself a leader. When I’m completely open to what He has, He can use me and do incredible things through me that I wouldn’t be capable of by myself.”

Mr. Byrd said this about Tori, “Tori’s leadership is second to none.  She has surrounded herself with students who are on fire for God, just like she is.  She has a social media page to get the word out.  She has opened up her home for meeting. She is doing all she can to be a light for God at Washburn. It is refreshing to see the youth working tirelessly to improve the quality of their environment by adding God into the equation.”

Donna is encouraged by Tori’s heart and ability to lead. “I am impressed at her motivation and follow-through in making FCA happen. She has a heart for her classmates to have the same hope she has through Jesus, even if it isn't the popular choice.”

God Called – They Responded

  • God sent Allison to run an FCA booth at the softball clinic.
  • God led Tori’s dad to walk by the booth.
  • God stirred Tori’s heart to reach her campus.
  • God already had Donna in place as FCA staff in that area to come alongside Tori. 
  • God prepared the hearts of Joe and Drew to help lead the huddle.
  • God had given Mr. Byrd an increasing desire to see a Christian group on campus.
  • God brought people to the huddle – some expected and some unexpected!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28 (NIV).

Each person in this story had a part to play in the launch of the Washburn High School huddle. God is always at work, often in ways we cannot see. Thank God for how he worked in and through numerous people. Pray for this new huddle and huddles all around the state of Minnesota as they continue pressing into God’s call to reach their campuses for Christ.

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