Alumni Impact - Jacob's Story

Shelley Pearson • Jul 21, 2020
Most people know that FCA is fun – really fun. Students enjoy the weekly meetings and love the summer camps. Along the way, they often learn important things, like how to incorporate faith into their lives as athletes and how to lead well. 

But what is the actual impact of FCA in people’s lives? And does that impact carry on after high school? We have been checking back with several FCA alumni who can testify that God used FCA when they were younger to develop them into who they are today. The people are different, but the message is the same. God uses the ministry of FCA to draw young people to Himself, build a solid foundation, and multiply themselves in the lives of others. Jacob Deines is one of these people.

Jacob is a 2016 graduate of Marshall High School and recently graduated from South Dakota State University with a degree in electrical engineering. Jacob used to be one of those athletes who compartmentalized his faith and sports but through FCA has learned how to bring faith into every area of his life. His time in FCA shaped not only his middle and high school years but has a daily effect on his life today.

When Jacob was in eighth grade, Marshall Middle School FCA was launched. He and several friends became leaders that first year, and the group is still going strong a decade later. Jacob went on to high school and attended FCA all four years, serving as a leader for three. He attended the Tuesday morning huddle, participated in Bible studies, served as a huddle leader at day camps, and went to several sports camps. FCA was an integral part of his high school experience. 

When he thinks back to what was most impactful about FCA, five things stand out:

Weekly Meetings

“It was always cool to me meeting on Tuesday mornings on a weekly basis. Looking back, it was four years of meeting to talk about God in my school. It’s awesome to think about how it’s still going.” Jacob made close friends at those weekly meetings and learned how to lead. He stood for Christ at his school and was committed to being a light to his classmates and teammates.

Sports Camp

Jacob attended several regional sports camps in Decorah, Iowa. For Jacob, these camps were fun and impactful. When asked what sport he chose to play at sports camp, he had to pause and think about it. Then he laughed. “I think football . . . yeah, it was football.” He admitted that while sports are definitely a huge part of sports camp, the “other stuff” is often more influential and memorable. He learned to become a better football player, but he learned more about how to grow in his walk with the Lord and make his faith part of all he did.

Foundation for a Daily Walk with God

FCA taught Jacob the importance of spending time with God every day. “Whenever we had camps, we spent time being taught about foundations; there was always an opportunity for quiet time with God. Camp was the first time I spent time in the Word by myself. FCA was my first exposure to that. FCA made it the norm that you read the Bible yourself rather than just being told about it by someone else.” Jacob doesn’t know that he would have ever established the habit of a daily quiet time without the influence of FCA.

Role Models

Jacob got to spent time with other FCA leaders who showed him what it looked like to follow Jesus. They learned how to do life together in a way that glorified God. When he served as a high school leader, he spent a lot of time with Robin (FCA Area Representative for Marshall) and her husband, Jim. Jim and Robin modeled how to walk with Christ, serve each other well, and be intentional about reaching others for Christ together.

Intersection of Faith and Life

“It goes back to tying my faith into other areas of my life. FCA helped clarify what that looked like. First, it was sports and faith but now, it is software programming and faith. Faith and life are not separated but tied together. FCA helped me to see that.” Today, Jacob wants to influence others at his new job where he serves as a software programmer for a company that manufactures tractors. 

Weekly huddles and sports camps serve as vehicles to teach kids valuable leadership skills and what it means to follow Jesus in every area of their lives. Because of what was modeled to Jacob, he continues to serve God today. It even greatly influences how he wants to serve his wife once they are married in January. 

To answer the question at the beginning about whether FCA has an impact beyond high school, it is clear through the story of Jacob and so many others that FCA has the potential to impact students for a lifetime. Through FCA and his church youth group, Jacob decided to follow Christ wholeheartedly and built skills to help him do that at FCA. 

FCA is influencing generations with the gospel, and students are continuing to multiply themselves throughout their lives because of the skills they learn and the spiritual growth they realize in FCA.  Would you consider how you can support the ministry of FCA through prayer, financial support, or volunteering? Please contact us to learn more about how you can come alongside this vital ministry.

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